AMA Recap: Community AMA with Kylin Core Team Members
Transcript from the interaction between Kylin's core team members and the community during the recent community AMA session.
The Kylin community had an AMA session with the members of the Kylin core team on Monday, 13th February, on the Kylin official Telegram channel. Co-Founder & Strategic Lead Dylan Dewdney, and Operations and Marketing Lead Agbona Igwemoh, were present to respond to questions curated from the community a couple of days after the AMA announcement.
🚀 Community Question: Is there any work done on Kylan? I am under the impression that this project has long term been abandoned and keep goin on only for remaining token hodlers...
💼 Kylin Team Member (Dylan): *Kylin
The project is not abandoned, no. That said, it is true that we are in a downgear mode due to limited runway and also due to the larger market downturn as well as the Dotsama eco not gaining the traction we thought it would by now.
🚀 Community Question: What is the status of the MVP, How much coding is needed to launch? When do you expect it to launch?
Kylin Team Member (A.G): As on the last time we spoke to the Substrate Builders Program, they haven't concluded their review. With regards to how much coding that is needed, it will be available in the next Technical update coming out this week. Once we have the reveiw from the SBP, we'll have a clearer picture of a launch date.
🚀 Community Question: Does the team have a expenditure audit they can make available to anyone invested in this project?
💼 Kylin Team Member (Dylan): Offhand, I don’t see why we wouldn’t be able to provide that.
Please keep in mind we raised far less than many other peers like Moonbeam or Astar, etc., and we did a pure token raise rather than an equity raise.
🚀 Community Question: Do you currently have any developers working on this project, and if not, what is your strategy for being able to get back to making progress?
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): We have 3 full-time developers working on Kylin Network, and a couple of part-timers who helped push the MVP over the finished line.
🚀 Community Question: Dylan, on your twitter account, you took of Kylin Network and NFT3, no mention of neither. Only "4x founder". Why hiding to the world your professional activities ?
💼 Kylin Team Member (Dylan): Hmm, I didn’t do that to hide my professional activities, indeed, you can check my LinkedIn to see all my affiliations, work titles, and history.
I did it to more succinctly highlight my experience and expertise in the space. That’s all.
🚀 Community Question: At what stage do you see the project in 6 months?
💼 Kylin Team Member (Dylan): I’m hoping for a market reversal, broadly, and also for Dotsama. If we (collectively projects working within Dotsama) can get more applications built out for dotsama in that timeframe and some better traction, then I think we can have more of a cadence and tempo to think about the significance of the pallets integration long term.
🚀 Community Question: ETH has high fees, so why is KYL using ETH chain to withdraw on Kucoin? Deposit on Gate.IO is paused as well. Please fix these.
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): Presently, KYL is ERC-20 native, hence why withdrawal on exchanges like Kucoin is processed via the ETH chain. Hopefully when the substrate KYL goes live, we’ll probably see the end of this. is not an official partner, so we don’t have control there.
🚀 Community Question: What metrics demonstrate the stability and growth potential of your business?
💼 Kylin Team Member (Dylan): We are pre-revenue in a space that is experimental, so that’s a little tough to answer tbh
🚀 Community Question: What is the concrete timeline for finalizing the MVP and adoption from other projects. In short when will revenue for the project based on a useable product start?
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): We've mentioned this a number of times, our goal is to get a concreate response from SBP and fix all their feedback before the end of Q1. We already have a Federated community consisting of Parachains that intend to us the MVP
🚀 Community Question: How long is your runtime with current funding?
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): From the last time I checked with the team, we have 12 months run way.
🚀 Community Question: Do Dylan and Kevin draw a salary from the treasury? Who pays for the jet setting to all these conferences?
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): The Kevin and Dylan are currently not receiving salary, and I personally have my salary reduced twice. All this is to extend the projects run way.
🚀 Community Question: What is KYL's upcoming roadmap? When will the team recruit a new Tech Lead? Does KYL have any plans to list Cex in the near future?
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): We'll be releasing the roadmap for 2023 this month, the other questions, I believe if we have a market reversion, will most likely happen.
🚀 Community Question: How does your statement „Community is the most important part“ make sense when there is no transparency from the team towards the Community or Ambassadors (many left because of lacking transparency)
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): We value our community and ambassadors, and appreciate them (especially the ambassadors, past and present) for propelling the project this far. This AMA we're having is an effort to be more transparent with the community. Could we have done better in the past? certainly yes, we just try to improve from this point on, and strive to be more transparent.
🚀 Community Question: Staking start in $pchu and in $kyl ??
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): With SEC crack down on various projects offering staking, we'll have to be a little more careful now, even there’s rumor that Polkadot is halting it’s staking program. We had staking in the plans, we'll review appropriately, and communicate further down the line.
🚀 Community Question: Do you guys have an actual timeline of the future of Kylin ?
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): The Kylin roadmap/accomplishment board for 2023 will be released soon, be on the look out for that.
🚀 Community Question: hi, how many people work in the development of kyl ?
💼 Kylin Team Member (A.G): The current team size is a little over 10
About Kylin Network
Kylin Network strives to be a composable and configurable multi-level oracle infrastructure built as a Polkadot parachain, for the democratization and delivery of accurate data on time, at a reliably low cost. Kylin hopes to offer a way for chain-agnostic APIs to serve data according to service level agreements (SLA) that the consumers of this data will be aware of.
Data source compatibility beyond price feeds will bootstrap a free data market. This will allow market demand to determine the direction of the innovation of a feed, its price, and supply. With dynamic NFTs & SFTs, Kylin’s ongoing development will innovatively tokenize data streams that democratically will be accepted on the Kylin Network.
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